the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Saturday, 7 July 2007

I dont have any money to play poker today.I will not have any money for atleast 3 days more.So what to I do now.The fact that I am thinking about poker and getting some money(bankroll) to play, answers my questions about what I want to get out of poker.I WANT TO MAKE A LIVING FROM PLAYING ONLINE POKER.I know i can do this.I understand the game.If I tighten up my game a little I know I could do this.
In the next few days I will be posting my ideas about how to improve my own game.These tips will be usefull to most new poker players.however the 2 most important things to learn first are DISCIPLINE and PATIENCE.These can not be taught.So if you are lacking in these departments(like myself sometimes),what can be done.THINK,THINK AND THINK.WHY?
Only You, the individual have the answer.Think about the following and expand on them for yourself in your own context.

  • You do not have a right to win all the time.
  • When do you play-tired?,Excited?
  • How long can you play for?-I always make a profit in the first 2hrs,get excited and then lose a huge chunk within minutes.
  • Tilt prevention.Before you even start have a mental/written plan to prevent tilt.
  • Value money.I move up to higher stakes to early,a couple of badbeats and i am out.

If you are a beginner,dont concentrate to much on strategy and odds to begin with.Instead work on Discipline and patience.Get all the external factors that effect your state of mind within control.

Friday, 6 July 2007

low bankroll

Lost all my bankroll on the roulette again.God damn it those electronic roulette machines.

I've had to resort to playing the free rolls for the last four days.I have been playing $100 freerolls,with 1000+ entries,and won £0.70.I have had to re-examine why I play poker,and what I expect from it.
do i want to make a living,get rich or just have an expensive hobby.
Answering these questions will need some serious thinking for me.

At the moment I am in debt approximately £3000.These fall into 3 categories.

  1. £500 immediate
  2. £1500 by mid August
  3. £1000 by October

what makes a great INTERNET pokerplayer?


so here is my dilemma.Do i stop playing for six months.Pay my debts and start with a bank roll of£3-5000.Or do i keep on playing with small amounts (£10-£50) and hopefully build up my bank roll.WELL I WILL KEEP YOU POSTED.