the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Sunday, 16 September 2007

got no money

i have been thinking about poker all day.Thinking about how i should change my game.It keeps coming back to patience and discipline.The thing is,if you play a fixed way ,then you become predictable.You are either bluffed out easily,or you only win small pots most of the time,as everyone avoids you.The key is to play a regular tight-aggressive game,and mix it up with a few moves now and again.The skill is to get away from trouble litely ,if your moves dont come,if you slow play AA and get 4 callers .You are unlikely to win the pot if there are four others in the pot.Can you fold AA here.

By the way i have realised how important it is to play various forms of poker.It really improves your overall game.I normally play NLH.Recently i have been playing more pot limit Omaha.Omaha is a game that requires alot of discipline and routine folding of big preflop hands that miss the flop. eg:
your cards -AsAcKcQs
there are 4 players on the flop
flop- 4d5d7h9h
you got to passthis hand unless turn is almost free

If i can learn to pass such hands easily,it would be a great asset to bring to my usual NLH game


have you heard about the stats about how often men think about sex.You know the ones,men think of sex every 6seconds,or every 2mins........ Well,i swear i think about poker more than sex,although i partake in little of both.My lack of bankroll explains the lack of poker,and with my looks probably explains the lack of sex too.

Friday, 14 September 2007

lost again

i deposited £25 into my account.I could not wait another day to deposit minimum £50 i had set as a starting amount.Here is how my day went.(by the way from today i will be giving myself marks on how i played-the areas will include patience,discipline,strategy.i will also keep account of my bankroll.
At about 3 oclock i drove to the bookies to get a voucher of £25 to play poker.Congratulated myself at being able to avoid the roulette machine.I did notice the excitement building up,with the prospect of playing poker.I could feel my legs a bit uneasy with the rush of adrenaline.I was speeding and tailgating the cars infront of me on the way back home.When i realised this i set myself a new disciplinary goal-i slowed down.DISCIPLINE-PATIENCE are at the forefront of my mind. i set myself another goal.I will wait 1hr after i get home before playing poker.

I hit the second golf ball into the neighbours garden.I have been ten minutes.Long enough.I go to the pokerden(remind myself that this is poor discipline).


whilst logging in i write down how i am going to apportion the money.bankroll £25($50).

  1. 3 buyins of $10 omaha 0.15/0.25
  2. 2 buyns of $10 nlh 0.15/0.25

16:52 $10 omaha-pissed of with lack of money.playing one tangles with me

17:22 - bust out-trips on flop lose to straight draw hitting river

17:25 $10 omaha reload-same again bust out by 17:30

17.45 $10 omaha reload-this time i got straight nut flush draw on flop.I miss.out again.fuck nows what the odds are.all i know is that i lost.This is the reason you need a big bankroll.favourite only wins over long period of time.

CHANGE OF PLAN-NO NLH TODAY.I decide to play with 2 more buy ins of $10 omaha multitabling.

17:50 $10 omaha tab1

1751 $10 omaha tab2

18:35 i have $35 at one table and $18 at another. think about having a break.

18:42 ZERO lose 3 hands consecutively.


DISCIPLINE/PATIENCE- 4 out of ten.could not wait the self appointed time,before playing poker

STRATEGY-6outof10. i thought i played as well as i could.I had 75% succes at bluffing small pots.I did not attempt any large bluffs.I played like a rock,but occasionlly i played flopped nuts too strong against mediocre draws.Nothing wrong with this when you have plenty of money,as you will get paid off in the long run.But i told myself to keep such pots small as i could not afford to lose.

What i have noticed at these low limit omaha games is that rock players get plenty of action despite their tight image.Even when it is obvious they have nutts.So i have got to stop calling the odd flop or turn bet with no hand, before passing.I do this to encourage players to bluff at me,hoping to catch them out with the nutts eventually.


Thursday, 13 September 2007

decision time

i have decided to become a professional pokerplayer.The great thing about the internet is that you can always play at stakes where your abilities are better than most.
i must apologise if my blog is repetetive.My main reason to start this blog is to improve my own game.It is like a diary where i can help myself to keep track of my goals and thinking.
At the moment my bankroll is close to zero.Actually my bankroll does not exist.I wait to get paid for work and use the majority of it to play poker and lose.Typically i get £10-£40 per day.I then deposit all of it(less£10) into poker account.(good to talk about money,it will help me appreciate its value-and also i am trying to think of poker as one long continuous lifetime session with tea breaks,sleep breaks,marriages ,births etc.)
Deposit £50 into poker account(when i get the money) and stick to the following:

  • use £11 to play in 1-2 tornys( to hopefully get lucky and get a bankroll boost £30-£200
  • play omaha $0.15-0.25-Set aside $45(3times $15 buy ins)
  • £20 left-2 buy ins of $20 each at $0.25-0.5 NLHoldem
  1. if i get to £80 then i will play only one table at a time with 1 full buy in amount ($50) and play a more tight game looking to trap.This has been a succesfull strategy for me before.It really helps me use my instincts more,as i am concentrating more,and my bluffs tend to be more succesfull.
  2. If i get to £100 I will set the following goals.

continue playing at the same level with the same buy in amounts(approx 50% of full buy in).For every £25 above £100 i will invest £12 into a torny.If i reach £200 i will take a day off from poker,to discourage the faulse feeling of being a great player,which usually results in me playing higher stakes and crashing out very soon after.

My next blog will be before i deposit £50 into my account.