i have decided to become a professional pokerplayer.The great thing about the internet is that you can always play at stakes where your abilities are better than most.
i must apologise if my blog is repetetive.My main reason to start this blog is to improve my own game.It is like a diary where i can help myself to keep track of my goals and thinking.
At the moment my bankroll is close to zero.Actually my bankroll does not exist.I wait to get paid for work and use the majority of it to play poker and lose.Typically i get £10-£40 per day.I then deposit all of it(less£10) into poker account.(good to talk about money,it will help me appreciate its value-and also i am trying to think of poker as one long continuous lifetime session with tea breaks,sleep breaks,marriages ,births etc.)
Deposit £50 into poker account(when i get the money) and stick to the following:
- use £11 to play in 1-2 tornys( to hopefully get lucky and get a bankroll boost £30-£200
- play omaha $0.15-0.25-Set aside $45(3times $15 buy ins)
- £20 left-2 buy ins of $20 each at $0.25-0.5 NLHoldem
- if i get to £80 then i will play only one table at a time with 1 full buy in amount ($50) and play a more tight game looking to trap.This has been a succesfull strategy for me before.It really helps me use my instincts more,as i am concentrating more,and my bluffs tend to be more succesfull.
- If i get to £100 I will set the following goals.
continue playing at the same level with the same buy in amounts(approx 50% of full buy in).For every £25 above £100 i will invest £12 into a torny.If i reach £200 i will take a day off from poker,to discourage the faulse feeling of being a great player,which usually results in me playing higher stakes and crashing out very soon after.
My next blog will be before i deposit £50 into my account.
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