the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Monday, 31 December 2007


as i had no bankroll,i entered a freeroll with 500 other runners.I came second to take £28.It was unusual tournament for me.I had no tough decisions to make,no 50/50 races.The only time i put all my chips in was when someone try to bluff me of pots when i had nut straights and nutt flushes.

I took a break and returned to play cash games.In all I have played for 5 hrs,excluding breaks.I have taken the bankroll to £61.That is an income of £12/hr.On top of this i am due a £50 bonus.So my bankroll will be £111 soon............A good start in the new year.Its all free money.I will stick with low limit cash games for a few days now.I think if i can get my bankroll to £300 plus,i can have real motivation not deposit any of my own money.

Not trying to get too ahead of myself-I think i will make a plan of action.I need to set myself targets about what to do when i reach certain amounts of cash.I want to reward myself with any poker winnings.This way i hope to develope a psychological link between playing good poker and enjoying life.


  1. Upon reaching £200-I will withdraw £50,take my daughter out for a day.
  2. Upon reaching £300-I will withdraw £100-go shopping for new clothes

These are big percentages of my bankroll.But i have never enjoyed myself with the winnings i have had in the past.That was prehaps the reason why i lost it back by going on huge tilts.

i wish everyone a happy new year-and PLEASE ENJOY THE FRUITS OF YOUR LABOUR


  1. pass more often on turn/river
  2. bluff less often
  3. take longer to make decisions
  4. withdraw money from poker account regularly(helps with staying focused)
  5. take more breaks during session
  6. pass missed flops more
  7. think
  8. vary betting patterns more
  9. reraise more often
  10. mini-raise more often-(it scares me when someone else uses it)
  11. stay cool
  12. enjoy poker,or dont play
  13. live with badbeats
  14. enjoy the winnings when they come(helps with motivation)


I have zero bankroll.I am however due a £50 bonus at the end of december.I hope this is processed immediatly at 00.01hrs on jan 1st(5hrs to go).....GOSH i havent looked forward to new year so much before.
You may have read my earlier post about having no money explaining why i was playing a lack of poker.And lack of money prehaps explained my lack of sex too.
Well i have been thinking.................It is generally agreed that the richer you are,the more succesfull you are at finding yourself sexual partners.This goes for poker too...The more money you hav,the higher stakes you play,the easier it is to be successfull.

So my new years resolution is to dispense with the filthy,undisciplined, low stakes street hookers;and penentrate the ring of highclass, high stakes poker pros.

Saturday, 29 December 2007


the last few days i let myself get into the .....the chase mentality......end result=BROKE


in my last post I said i was too tired to play...,well..shortly after my post i decided to play.And i lost about £200 in an hour.THE NEXT DAY...i went to william hill to get voucher for £150 to play poker.Unfortunately before getting to the counter i got mugged for everything i had.I knew the group were trouble,when i first shot a glance at them.I thought about avoiding them....but against my better judgement i decided to walk right up to them.
At first i thought if I give them £20 they would be happy-and i would still have £130 for poker.They were not happy.So i reached into my top jacket pocket,where i had a £50 note.I offered this to them.Thinking I can still walk away with £80.
I was sweating,I couldnt stand still.There was a whole bunch of emotions going through my my amazement........I was returned all my money back.....They must have took pity on me.
I was overwhelmed.'Surely an act of such kindness would require some sort of genorous gesture on my part'.I thought for a while......,should I give them £10,or prehaps even £30.
I cant recall exactly what my thought process was at the time,but i left them with all my money.

Later I realised i had run into the ROULETTE gang.The gang is famous for mugging you in their own unique style.

The following day,they relieved me of another £200 from a total of £450 i had.Fortunately I managed to use the remaining £250,to win another £350 playing NLH $1/2.
I was playing with money set aside for car insurance.Thankfully i did not lose at poker.After getting insured I have been left with nothing in my pocket.
So now i am in the chase mentality.the following will give you an idea of what goes through my head ,when i amin this state....

where do i get money from,smoke roll ups for a while,start a new personal budget,ring around for work,write blog,think of new strategy,no more takeaways,think of new business ideas,new invention maybe......i know-i will just play tournaments from now on.stress,headache....can i think of a good quick fraud.......THATS IT,from now on i am working 5o hrs per week.I will only use 20% money to play cash games,just 1 torny a day.....NO,i will play multitables,like a rock..i will ust need one fool to double me up once....smoking...,daydreaming,smoking.I need a new hobby,more fullfulling life....smoke,how much petrol do i have in my van...Should i gather all the change in my room to deposit into poker,URGENT,RUSH,need to win everyhand,need to get to £100 quickly..LOSE/smoke....

Sunday, 23 December 2007


NO POKER TODAY...................I had a very long and hard day at work.I am just too tired,and will be struggling to stay awake for long.I feel if I play in this state,I will lose the great emotional/mental state I have worked myself into,for playing poker....A bit like,how an athlete would not risk injury by playing in an unnecessary game when carrying a strain.

Saturday, 22 December 2007

still going good

i just finished playing another hour of Pot-limit omaha.Again i am feeling so good and enjoying poker.I am thinking clearly,got control of emotions.I remember now,why I got the poker bug in the first place.I FEEL ON TOP OF THE WORLD......The winnings may not be of huge proportions;but this is not the point....

Its the fact that I have worked at getting my mind and emotions into the right condition,to allow me to play a good game of poker.The true test,however,will be when i experience a run of bad luck.I hope I do not allow them to effect my,carefully worked emotional state of mind....fingers crossed.

I made a profit of £42 in one hour.I played 2 tables at a time.

  1. PLO 10p/20p-deposit £12.50,got to £20,but lost it all after 50 minutes of play
  2. PLO 15p/30p-deposit £10,lose within 5mins,Deposit another £10.I steadily worked this up to £40.THEN 1 BIG POT.

It was a three way pot,on a loose table of 6.

I am in sb.The pot gets raised by button.I call.UTG(short stacked) reraises.evrybody calls.I call.

my card-8356rainbow

flop-834-I pushed all in with about £30- 2callers.turn-2 -river3

I take the pot down.....................

NExt,I do what comes natural to winning poker players like me.....


slow and steady-FEELS GREAT

I had a hard day at work today.Left at 10am ant got back at 10pm.Made about £120.Although I was extremely tired,I felt I needed to play poker to get a little boost..... most people get this from caffeine.
I played at 2 tables of PLOmaha 10p/20p.In short I made £10,taking my bankroll to £80.This feels great ,as I have a £200 in my pocket for living expensive.This separation of living money and poker money is something that is absolutely essential to be succesfull.

I was tempted to play higher stakes,but thankfully managed to control myself.Although I prefer to play No-limit holdem,it is such a boring game at the lower limits.The patience/discipline required I dont have.In fact I would go as far as to say that you have to be a better player to win at the lower levels.All those calling stations, bluffers,fish,bingo players leave me angered and frustrated.....ususally resulting in tilt.

At the moment, atleast, omaha is a more interesting game for me.I think it is still a thoughtfull and skillfull game,even at the lower limits.Although you have to be prepared to take bigger swings in your bankroll.

overall assesment of todays game.
I thought i played at almost the best I good.I have started to develope a good instinct in Omaha now.I was putting my oponents on their hands fairly accurately.Prehaps I need to gather a bit more courage to make bigger bluffs,when my opponents are holding mediocre hands.
Best of all,I am enjoying poker again.

Friday, 21 December 2007

new and improved me

I earned £150 from work today.I deposited £50 of this into my poker account.A bit more than i had set myself;well,elements of the chase mentality are not totally eliminated.Feelimg tired and drowsy,I played omaha for about half an hour.Got my bankroll to £60 and took an hours nap.
The stress of losing money playing poker over the last few months has left me in an emotionally weak state,and a general feeling of emptiness.To resolve this problem I have decided to be nicer to people.Interact more positively with people and do some good deeds.Well,an opprtunity arose today.A neighbour ,who has a delivery round,was suffering from a bad cold.I noticed him struggling to load up his van and offered to help him load up, aswell as deliver the goods.He was very appreciative and brought me a nice take-away meal when we finished.

boy did i feel good

feeling happy,calm, relaxed and in control.Poker awaits

Played PL OMAHA for about 90 mins.After a long time have I enjoyed poker so much.I played a tight passive game,check calling alot.I found this was the best strategy for the table.Most the players were multi-tabling.They were playing a very cautious game.As long as I had the bottle to make a river bluff now and again,I would make a profit at the table.I got my bankroll to £90.I was feeling great.what a player i sign of tilt.passing good hands when i knew i was beat.Feeling a little invincible,I made a few creative moves and got caught bluffing.My bankroll was down to £70......WHAT,one damn silly mistake and i lose nearly 25% of my bankroll.I suppose i had gone into an excitable state of mind.This is no good for poker,so i decide to finish for the day.

lesson learned today.

try to be in the right frame of mind before playing poker.Its not all about being cold and calculating.Nurture your emotional side to.For me this is most important in getting me in an optimam state of mind.

Thursday, 20 December 2007

happy,positive mental attitude.

i played poker for three hours today.I deposited £25.I got this up to £44 within 2 hours.This was all the money I had.Before playing i knew i had to withdraw atleast £10 today.So i started a very tight game of pot-limit omaha.I kept the pots as small as possible,as i didnt want to risk loosing all chips to a bad draw hitting.I rarely made a potsize bet when strong on the flop.Instead I was betting between 25%-75% of the pot.I found that my bets were being treated as suspicious.I was given cheap cards to hit on the turn and river to win the pot;or my bluffs were succesfull more often.This is different to my normal game of poker.I usually want to make big pots,and make big bets when strong.What normally happens when i play like this is that i lose alot of chips by getting outdrawn by someone who gets seduced by the size of the pot.
Whilst playing omaha,i also at 1 table of NLH 5p/10p.Again i was playing different to my normal game.I would limp into almost every hand.What happens at this level is that players call with bottom pair on flop,hoping to catch 2 pair.My strategy was to target such players.I would get them to committ all chips when i had top 2pair or the nutts.I was very successfull at it today.

anyway.I have withdrawn £20,and have £24 left in account.I have registersd for a £20 torny.

I am going to work tomorrow.I should earn about £80.I will not use this money to play poker with.I am fed up with playing with money,i need,to live on.It gets me into a stessfull state of mind-always on the 'chase'.If I earn anything more than £80,i will use noe more than 40% of it to play poker.

Wednesday, 19 December 2007


I have made a post for a long while now.The truth is i only bother to post on this blog when i have run out of money,and have nothing else to do.I come back to this blog when i delude myself into thinking that i am analysing my game,and am taking positive steps towards becoming a profit making player.
I will now tell you about something that i think will improve my game.I am a big fan of DRAGONS DEN.Something i have noticed the dragons do a lot is,ask business people how they will get a return on the money they invest;and whether the potential returns are worth the investment.I am going to start asking these questions when i play poker.Naturally not all my 'investments'will be a success,however these questions should help give some bearings to my game.
I play mostly NLH,and i use poker odds in a very lose way.Instead I look at how much i will make if i hit.Well this is what Doyle suggests is the best way to play.There are to problems with this
1.Every other player on the internet plays the Doyle way.So the game feels like a lottery;and you always fear the bluff.
2.And boy do you need some discipline to play this way.As often happens I dont hit my draws for a while.I start chasing.I want big pots.I'm gonna hit soon.Then i'm broke.THEN I POST ENTRY ON MY BLOG.
I will start with a bankroll of £60 on about christmas day.I will make this into £600 within a weak.If i dont post,it means that i have had a big torny win, and am making too much money.Or i am suffering from depression.