the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Saturday, 22 December 2007

still going good

i just finished playing another hour of Pot-limit omaha.Again i am feeling so good and enjoying poker.I am thinking clearly,got control of emotions.I remember now,why I got the poker bug in the first place.I FEEL ON TOP OF THE WORLD......The winnings may not be of huge proportions;but this is not the point....

Its the fact that I have worked at getting my mind and emotions into the right condition,to allow me to play a good game of poker.The true test,however,will be when i experience a run of bad luck.I hope I do not allow them to effect my,carefully worked emotional state of mind....fingers crossed.

I made a profit of £42 in one hour.I played 2 tables at a time.

  1. PLO 10p/20p-deposit £12.50,got to £20,but lost it all after 50 minutes of play
  2. PLO 15p/30p-deposit £10,lose within 5mins,Deposit another £10.I steadily worked this up to £40.THEN 1 BIG POT.

It was a three way pot,on a loose table of 6.

I am in sb.The pot gets raised by button.I call.UTG(short stacked) reraises.evrybody calls.I call.

my card-8356rainbow

flop-834-I pushed all in with about £30- 2callers.turn-2 -river3

I take the pot down.....................

NExt,I do what comes natural to winning poker players like me.....


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