the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Saturday, 29 December 2007


the last few days i let myself get into the .....the chase mentality......end result=BROKE


in my last post I said i was too tired to play...,well..shortly after my post i decided to play.And i lost about £200 in an hour.THE NEXT DAY...i went to william hill to get voucher for £150 to play poker.Unfortunately before getting to the counter i got mugged for everything i had.I knew the group were trouble,when i first shot a glance at them.I thought about avoiding them....but against my better judgement i decided to walk right up to them.
At first i thought if I give them £20 they would be happy-and i would still have £130 for poker.They were not happy.So i reached into my top jacket pocket,where i had a £50 note.I offered this to them.Thinking I can still walk away with £80.
I was sweating,I couldnt stand still.There was a whole bunch of emotions going through my my amazement........I was returned all my money back.....They must have took pity on me.
I was overwhelmed.'Surely an act of such kindness would require some sort of genorous gesture on my part'.I thought for a while......,should I give them £10,or prehaps even £30.
I cant recall exactly what my thought process was at the time,but i left them with all my money.

Later I realised i had run into the ROULETTE gang.The gang is famous for mugging you in their own unique style.

The following day,they relieved me of another £200 from a total of £450 i had.Fortunately I managed to use the remaining £250,to win another £350 playing NLH $1/2.
I was playing with money set aside for car insurance.Thankfully i did not lose at poker.After getting insured I have been left with nothing in my pocket.
So now i am in the chase mentality.the following will give you an idea of what goes through my head ,when i amin this state....

where do i get money from,smoke roll ups for a while,start a new personal budget,ring around for work,write blog,think of new strategy,no more takeaways,think of new business ideas,new invention maybe......i know-i will just play tournaments from now on.stress,headache....can i think of a good quick fraud.......THATS IT,from now on i am working 5o hrs per week.I will only use 20% money to play cash games,just 1 torny a day.....NO,i will play multitables,like a rock..i will ust need one fool to double me up once....smoking...,daydreaming,smoking.I need a new hobby,more fullfulling life....smoke,how much petrol do i have in my van...Should i gather all the change in my room to deposit into poker,URGENT,RUSH,need to win everyhand,need to get to £100 quickly..LOSE/smoke....


NoRhino said...

Hey, i read bits of your blog. Im actually always looking for a kind of poker buddy, someone to help improve my game. My friends irl dont play much.

But to answer your question, when i lost $1000, which is alot for my bankroll, i just set myself a target ($1000) and worked hard to reach it, i didn't think that once i had reached my target i would be back up to where i was. Having this mentality helps, omittedly it is hard. Also each time it gets easier to disattach yourself from the ups and downs, try to not get too high with the highs, this will help the lows not seem so low.

Im yet to blog this, but i lost about $850 of the $1000 by once again taking shots (i push myself to hard to be good fast). Although something in my life has changed recently for the better. I can already notice the difference, im playing alot better. I think if you can sort any issues in life its gonna help you keep calm at poker. To me it seems poker impacts the money you have as a whole quite alot, i think this will always affect your play. Its best to drop down limits, so the swings mean almost nothing. I guess so that you will think damn that sucks, and then no more. This is hard if your a good player beating these limits already just with the tilt factor to make you go broke from time to time.

Alternatively say to yourself you will buy a friend something nice (using small % of winnings) if you hit your target. That way you will feel bad if you start to tilt and it could help you control it. Just dont tell your friend this idea till after :)

But i agree, learning to keep cool and play good after big suck outs is maybe the hardest skill to master, but its a must.

About those guys mugging you, thats just awful. Dont go there, or at least report it or something. Good luck

sehti said...

thanks for your comments spanuel.Please leave me your blog address so i can read about your experiences.
You have understood the essence of my blog.I would very much like to be your poker 'buddy'.I think this should help us both in improving our game

Unknown said...

You should never play poker with money set aside for bills, be leary of doing that. It is a good way to get into more trouble if you get coolered. What if you get it all in with AA preflop and you run into KK and he spikes a K? You played it right and lost - that happens almost 1 in 5 times. Not trying to preach, just be cautious man.