the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Thursday, 3 January 2008

Software-is it a good idea

The bonus has finally arrived.I got £50.Played an hour of PLOmaha(2 tables).After initially going down to £28,i have managed to get to £73.
After reading a few other blogs,i am considering using some poker software to improve my game.I will keep you posted,when i do start using the software.You will be able to decide for yourself whether it works.I would welcome other peoples experiences.(leave comment)
As mentioned in previous posts,i priorotise mental discipline over being aware of exact pot odds.So for me the software will be about getting me to stop thinking of my bankroll on a daily bases.....working out how much i am up or down every 5 minutes.Instead i want to think of the game in longer time frames,such as weeks and months.I think this will be a big factor in controling short term tilt,as i will be aware of the longer term,bigger picture.

I will also start to post my bankroll stats in a table format every now and again too.

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