the dream of a novice players journey to becoming a pro player

Friday, 4 January 2008


the last couple of sessions i have had poor own fault.My bankroll which was at about £120,has been down to less than £25 three times.Each time i have got it back to about £60-£80.It currently sits at £88.
Unusually for me,my performances at the table have started of poorly,and improved later in the sessions-as i try win some money back.It has always been,the other way around.


Is it arrogance on my part?......I think so. MISPLACED ARROGANCE MORE LIKE.
Ever since I have managed to control my emotions/tilted less,I feel i am a superior player to others.This results in me deciding who the weak players at the table are,way to early.I then seek to outwit them and get caught bluffing early on.I need to fix this soon.

So the advice to myself for my next session is not to make moves early on in cash games.Invest a bit of money in creating the appropriate table image.An image which will bring the most reward for that particular table.

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